What You Should Do After Joining the Air Force
Posted by American Uniform Sales on Feb 24th 2025
Congratulations on making the big decision to start your career in the Air Force! It’s exciting to take such a big leap forward, and many Airmen find a sense of purpose and fulfillment in their careers. However, transitioning into the Air Force isn’t always easy, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the military lifestyle. Below, we’ll guide you through a few things you can do to help you prepare for your new career so you feel more confident as a new member of the Air Force.
7 Things You Need to Do Right After You Become an Airman
Transitioning from the civilian world to the Air Force is a big change, but you can ease the transition by taking some steps just after enlisting. While it’s not an exhaustive checklist, completing some of the steps below will help you pave the way for a successful future in the Air Force.
1. Make a Plan for Your Finances
One of the most important things you can do right after you enlist in the Air Force is get your finances together. Many people join right after high school, which means it’s likely their first time dealing with a steady paycheck and regular expenses. However, some people also join later in their lives after already holding down a job and paying bills.
Whether or not you already have a checking account, you should consider setting up your direct deposit to go to a bank that’s able to accommodate the lifestyle requirements of someone in the Air Force. This means having access to your money regardless of where the Air Force takes you. You can choose from plenty of large banks and local credit unions that will offer you the support you need, so it’s important to do your research to find the financial institution that’s best for you.
After you set up your direct deposit and have access to your account, you need to create a budget so you know how much your expenses will be each month. Account for costs like utilities, rent, internet, food, phone usage, and any other bills you have.
If you don’t have any dependents, you will be required to live on base until you reach a high enough rank. This also means you won’t have traditional expenses like utilities or rent. On top of your expenses, you should also be saving regularly, that way you have a rainy day fund and savings for your future.
If you’re going to make a larger purchase, such as for a vehicle, make sure to avoid predatory loans that are often targeted at service members. Avoid high interest rates, and take to a financial professional if you’re having a difficult time budgeting and making financial decisions.
2. Think About Power of Attorney and Create a Will
Power of attorney allows another person to make decisions on your behalf, which is particularly important for Airmen who may deploy at a moment’s notice. You’ll want to pick someone you can trust, such as a family member or spouse, who can make decisions for you when you’re away from home on deployment or during long missions.
You’ll also start to accumulate personal belongings and valuables over time, even if you start out in the Air Force with very little. You will want to make sure your belongings are taken care of if something were to happen to you during your time in the Air Force, which is why it’s important to create a will. This is a legal and official way to ensure your belongings go exactly where you want them to, whether it’s to family members or to a donation center. There are resources online you can use to help you start the process of creating a will, and you can even find services that will help Airmen create a will at no cost.
3. Get Familiar With Air Force Life
Joining the Air Force is a big life change, so you’ll want to become familiar with what life is going to be like as an Airman so you’re not taken completely by surprise by the cultural differences. It will be easier to transition into the Air Force life when you do the proper research and know what to expect.
Start by looking up the customs and protocols for Airmen, which you can find by searching through online forums or by talking to current active duty Airmen. You’ll also want to look into your specific base so you can learn more about the area. Try to find out what resources and amenities are available, especially if you’re bringing your family along with you. Your recruiter can also be a valuable resource as they’ll have plenty of information about what it’s like to be an Airman and what your installation will be like.
4. Start Thinking About Your Future
It’s important to think about your future early so you’re well prepared. That means you need to consider your Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), which is like the military’s version of a 401k. This retirement plan can help you save for your future after the Air Force, and your contributions will be matched to a certain percentage. Even if you’re not contributing anything, the DoD contributes 1% to your TSP so you’ll have something when you retire.
If you can, try to contribute around 10% of your income to your TSP if you have the means to. If you can’t start at this amount, it’s important to save at least something. Once you start making more money or lower your expenses, you can adjust your TSP contributions until you’re happy with what you’re saving each month.
5. Get Ready for Basic
Basic training is going to be your first experience in the Air Force where you’ll start learning everything you need to know about being an Airman. You will be physically and mentally challenged to ensure you’re ready for the rigors of Air Force life. Before you go to basic training, make sure you’re in good physical condition so you can keep up with the physical challenges you’ll face.
You should also create a packing list of all the items you’ll need and start gathering them so you’re sure you have everything you need. There will be some items that you’re not allowed to bring, so make sure you research the prohibited items or talk to your recruiter to make sure you don’t accidentally bring something you’re not supposed to.
You should also take some time to mentally prepare. Basic training isn’t designed to be easy, and it will put you to the test. You’ll also have to deal with being away from home for long periods and dealing with other challenges that can put a lot of stress on you. Make sure you know what to expect so it doesn’t take you by surprise.
6. Make Sure to Use Your Benefits
As an Airman, you will have access to plenty of benefits, including healthcare, paid time off, free amenities, education, and more. When you first join, you’ll want to research or ask about your benefits so you know exactly what you’re getting and how to use them. Your dependents will also be able to access your benefits once they’re officially enrolled, so it’s important to know what your benefits are and how to enroll your spouse or children.
7. Take Care of Yourself
Joining the Air Force is a big life decision, and you want to make sure you’re taking care of yourself during all the changes you’re going to experience. If you take care of your health, it will be easier to face the challenges you’ll experience as part of the Air Force.
Prioritize your physical health by making sure you’re eating enough, getting plenty of rest each night, and exercising regularly. Care for your mental health by engaging in activities you love, spending time with loved ones, and taking some time to relax when you can. You’ll want to avoid using alcohol or other substances to cope with your feelings or hard emotions as it can become a slippery slope into addiction and can pose health risks.
If you’re having a harder time adjusting to the transition into the Air Force life, you can always reach out to a mental health professional. They can give you advice, guidance, and even treatment to help you deal with your challenges.
AUSI Is Here for You At Every Stage of Your Air Force Career
Whether you’re just starting out your career or you’ve been in the Air Force for a while now, American Uniform Sales has your back. We stock AFI-compliant uniforms so you can stay within strict Air Force regulations at all times. Show up to work knowing you’re looking your best with our high-quality uniforms. We even offer rank and insignias, footwear, and gear to ensure you’re properly prepared for your day. Get started by shopping our entire selection, or contact us today with your questions.