Resources for Air Force Veterans and How You Can Offer Your Support
Posted by American Uniform Sales on Jan 9th 2025
The Air Force is a crucial part of our military and our Air Force veterans have sacrificed years of their lives to serve and protect our country. Even with all the sacrifices our Airmen make, our veterans often don’t get the support they need to thrive in their time after the Air Force.
It’s important for former Airmen to be aware of their resources so they can get the help they need. It’s equally as important for our community to rally around our Air Force veterans so they can truly flourish after their transition. In this blog, you’ll learn about the importance of community support, where former Airmen can find resources for help, and how community members can get involved.
Why Community Support Is So Important to Our Air Force Veterans
Many of our Airmen have a hard time readjusting to life in the civilian world after their contract ends or they retire. Spending years living one way only to have to learn how to live in another can cause significant amounts of stress, especially for Airmen who are struggling with mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, or PTSD.
The pace of life in the civilian world is vastly different than what most Airmen are used to, and there are plenty of challenges Airmen will have to face as they’re readjusting to life outside of the Air Force. For example, some of the common issues our veteran Airmen might face include finding work, finding a new purpose, and dealing with physical injuries and mental health issues.
Due to these various challenges, many Airmen can struggle with transitioning back into the civilian world, especially if they have a lack of support. Some veterans may even turn to harmful coping mechanisms, such as alcohol or other substances, to deal with their stress and hardship.
It’s important for the community to rally around our Air Force veterans so they’re better equipped to handle their transition. Ideally, our veterans should have enough support at home and in their local community to thrive in their lives after the Air Force, whether they need financial help, mental health treatment, employment assistance, or just someone willing to listen.
Support Resources for Our Air Force Veterans
There are plenty of resources available to our Air Force veterans, but it can be hard to find them without help. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides many of these resources so our Airmen can get the help they need, whether it’s education, medical treatment, disability, employment assistance, or something else.
While the VA provides plenty of resources and assistance, this isn’t the only place our Airmen can get the help or support they need. Some other places where our Air Force veterans can get help include:
●Support groups: Veterans can find plenty of support from support groups, both in person and online. You can meet with other Airmen or military veterans who understand what it’s like to go through a transition into the civilian world. Some in-person groups you can join include the PTSD Foundation of America, the Wounded Warrior Project, and the Vet Center Program. If you want to meet others virtually, you can find plenty of support groups online and through social media, such as Facebook.
●Treatment centers: While the VA offers mental health treatment, you may not live close to a VA center or want to seek treatment elsewhere. There are many places where Air Force veterans can find mental health treatment and support. If you’re looking for a treatment center nearby, you can use the online locator from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
●Crisis Line: For Air Force veterans who are really struggling with their mental health and need someone to talk to in a moment of crisis, they can reach out to the Veterans Crisis Line. You can talk to someone immediately to get the help you need, and they can point you in the direction of resources or help once the call ends. To reach the crisis line, you can call 1-800-273-8255 and press one or send a text to 838255. The Veterans Crisis Line also has an online chat feature that provides 24/7 confidential assistance and support.
●Housing assistance: Some Airmen struggle with finding stable housing after their time in the Air Force. Airmen transitioning out of the Air Force can find assistance through VA programs, such as Homeless Provider Grants, Enhanced-Used Leases, and Supportive Housing. If Air Force veterans are at risk of becoming homeless, they can reach out to someone at their local VA center to receive guidance and help finding resources.
●Community groups: Many groups in local communities work hard to support our veterans. You can find these groups in nearly every community, and many local churches also offer their support to veterans. Even if you can’t find a dedicated Air Force veteran group in your community, you can still reach out for help if you need it.
10 Ways You Can Support Our Air Force Veterans
Air Force veterans have many different resources through official means, but it’s also important that our veterans receive support from their communities so they can truly thrive after their time in the Air Force. If you want to help the Air Force veterans in your community, consider choosing one of the following options below:
1. Volunteer With the VA
An easy and effective way to help our Air Force veterans is to volunteer directly with the VA. They are always looking for volunteers to assist them with their work, and it’s a great way to donate your time in honor of our Airmen. You can start by finding your local VA through their online locator, and call them or use their website to find any upcoming volunteer opportunities.
2. Spend Time With Veterans at the Local VA
You may not have the time to commit to volunteering, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t visit the VA to support your local Airmen. Many Air Force veterans struggle with loneliness after leaving the military, and having someone to visit them while they’re receiving treatment at the VA can make a big difference in their mental health.
If you want to visit Air Force veterans, you can call your local VA and ask to arrange a visit. Most of the staff will be familiar enough with the veterans receiving treatment that they can determine who would benefit the most from a visit from a supportive community member.
Some Air Force veterans are socially isolated and don’t have someone to listen to them, which is why visiting them at the VA can be so beneficial. You can spend time with them and listen to what they have to say so they feel less isolated and more connected and supported during their treatment.
3. Offer Free Transportation
Sometimes, Air Force veterans don’t have reliable transportation to get to their appointments, run errands, or get the groceries they need. You can help former Airmen get what they need by volunteering for organizations like DAV. You can also sign up for the transportation network through the VA to offer your time and vehicle to Air Force veterans who need help getting to their appointments.
4. Help Our Air Force Vets Find Employment
Some former Airmen struggle with finding work after their time in the Air Force, which they rely on for financial stability. Organizations like Hire Heroes USA work hard to help our veterans find employment, assisting with resumes, job interviews, and career counseling to help prepare former Airmen to succeed in the civilian workforce.
You can volunteer with Hire Heroes USA if you’re interested in helping our former Airmen find employment and stability after their transition from the Air Force. When you volunteer through this organization, you can do it right from home and pick what tasks you do so you can help Air Force veterans in the best way you can. You can choose to assist with mock interviews, counsel applicants, or even offer expertise in your industry.
5. Send Care Packages or Thank You Notes
A simple but effective way to show your support and thanks is to send our Air Force veterans a care package with a heartfelt thank you note. After all that our Airmen have sacrificed for our country, a care package and thank you note can go a long way in improving the spirits and morale of our veterans.
You can always do this for an Air Force veteran in your life, but you can also go through organizations like Operation Gratitude or a local Air Force veteran’s organization.
If you want to take matters into your own hands, you can create your own care packages. You can reach out to your community for donations of specific items that retired Airmen might need or things that might bring some joy into their day. Once you have your care packages, you can contact your local VA facility to see if they’re accepting care packages or donations.
If there is a homeless veteran population in your town or city, you can always use these care packages as a way to address their needs. Fill them with essentials like hygiene supplies, clothes, food, and water. You can deliver these directly to homeless veterans if you know of any in your area, or you can take them to a shelter you know serves the homeless veteran population.
6. Offer Your Services or Skills
Due to disabilities and other complications as a result of their service, many former Airmen and their families have a hard time maintaining their homes or running errands. You can donate your time by offering your services, such as repairing things around a veteran’s home or helping them with chores. You may even find an organization operating in your area that’s dedicated to work like this.
If you have any special skills, such as IT or tax preparation, you can offer your services or assistance to the Air Force veterans in your community. You can use your talents to help former Airmen who may be unable to afford these services on their own.
7. Volunteer With Air Force Non-Profits
If you have some time on your hands and want to show your support to the larger Air Force community, you can volunteer directly with non-profits that serve Air Force veterans. There are many large organizations that have chapters in various cities or the opportunity to offer your help from home. You can also find smaller local organizations that do equally important work for the veterans in your area. Non-profit organizations rely on volunteers to sustain their operations, so you’ll be helping to make a difference when you offer your time to volunteer.
8. Use Your Voice to Offer Support
If you’re savvy with social media, you can use your platform to inform former Airmen in your area about the resources available to them, especially from local organizations. Part of your content can also encourage others in your community to get involved with the veteran community, whether it’s through local non-profits or community outreach.
You can use your voice for more than just social media posts. You can also reach out to your local, state, and federal lawmakers to advocate for Air Force veterans. There are always new policies being introduced, and you can get in touch with your representatives to show your support for bills that positively impact Air Force veterans. You should also encourage your family, friends, and local community to do the same on behalf of former Airmen.
9. Donate to Air Force Veteran Non-Profits
If you don’t have a lot of spare time, you can still offer your support by donating to non-profits that directly help Air Force veterans. Community contributions help these organizations continue to do their important work, so they must get regular donations to sustain their operations.
You can offer a one-time donation, or you can set up a recurring donation that occurs monthly if you want to continuously support an organization and have the means to do so. You can choose to donate to national organizations, local organizations, or a combination of both. Plenty of non-profits doing amazing work for our veterans, so you’re bound to find one that speaks to you.
10. Help Combat Veteran Homelessness
Homelessness is a problem in our veteran community, and many of our veterans struggle to make rent or mortgage payments and deal with evictions or foreclosures. Our nation’s heroes shouldn’t go without a home. If you want to help the Air Force veterans in your area, you can support organizations like the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans, Homes for Our Troops, and plenty of other organizations that fight to end veteran homelessness.
AUSI Extends Our Thanks to Our Air Force Veterans
Without our brave Airmen, our country would not be as well protected as it is today. Our Air Force veterans have made many sacrifices for the sake of our nation, and American Uniform Sales would like to take a moment to extend our support and gratitude for their service. We hope that Air Force veterans who need help have found useful resources in our guide and that we have inspired some members of the community to get involved in supporting our former Airmen.